Help | Novum Testamentum, Biblia Sacra, Vulgatę Editionis, 1590, 1592, 1593, 1598, Leander van Ess Editore
Version Information
This edition of the Sixtus V and Clement VIII, Latin Vulgate Bible compares the four authoritative editions issued by the Vatican: Pope Sixtus V issued the 1590 edition; Pope Clement VIII issued the 1592, 1593, and 1598 editions. In 1822, Leander van Ess published this edition of the New Testament, comparing all four editions. The main body of the text is from the editions issued by Pope Clement VIII; there are few differences between these three editions. The footnotes indicate differences among those three and differences from the 1590 edition. Thus the text of all four editions is made accessible in one edition.
I am still seeking a copy of the Old Testament in the same Leander van Ess edition.
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